Are You Ready to Grow? We've Got The Plan You Need.

The Core of Your Digital Marketing Strategy: Activate All Three to Watch Your Business Bloom

Paid Search

Best-In-Class Google PPC

All-American, Google-Certified talent running your Google PPC ads and getting top results. This is the basis for your success.

  • Keyword & Research Analysis

  • Ad Copywriting & Design

  • Optional Landing-Page Creation

  • Campaign Optimization & Reporting

Social Ads

Meta & TikTok Ads

Social ads on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are EXPLODING in popularity. Accelerate your sales on these top platforms.

  • Strategy & Planning

  • Content Creation & Distribution

  • Influencer Hiring & Video Editing

  • Campaign Optimization & Reporting

Search Optimization

Full Site & Local SEO

Ads are important, but nothing beats the long-term value of strong organic search authority. Start building today.

  • Technical SEO Remediation

  • On-Page & Content Strategy

  • Off-Page SEO Strategy

  • Local SEO & Google Business Profile

Get Found Online:

We believe the combination of a strong online advertising strategy and meticulously built SEO plan represents a killer one-two punch in digital lead generation.

Bloomfield Growth Agency brings enterprise-expertise to your paid search and SEO strategies. We’re a company founded on bringing the lessons learned from global agencies and Fortune 200 marketing departments to your business.

Can't Get Found?


In addition to targeting keywords through Google PPC, search ads on Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and TikTok can reach all sorts of new audiences by targeting behavior, interests and specific geographies.

We provide all the creative, the planning and even the video editing. Social ads are a massively growing and tremendously powerful way to generate new business. Let us show you!

We love working with local businesses because of the impact we can have. It’s tangible, visible and it’s proven to work.

Get an assessment of your digital presence

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  • The Great State of Georgia, USA

  • +(404) 500-9071